Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Whistle while you work

Well the holidays have come and gone and it is freaking 75 degrees outside right now...ridiculous! My teeth are KILLING me because I just started wearing my retainer again last night. I was a bad kid and didn't take the advice of Dr. Foch Smart after my braces came off. And if you're wondering, his name is Foch Smart, that's right, Foch that sounds like crotch. Anyway, I noticed my teeth were moving and I can't have that. I hope it's not too late. I'm a lot of pain so I feel like they're doing something. Lunch might be out of the question for me today.

Hanna left the Wiginton family on Sunday. It was a sad day. Hanna is the foreign exchange student from Germany that stayed with my family for the semester. Her and Kayla are about the same age. I never thought that a FES would mesh as well with the family as Hanna did. She never got in an argument with mom and dad, she always did her housework, and she was just as laid back as all of us. She really did become like an 8th member of the family. Kayla is planning on going to Germany this summer to spend time with her and Hanna's mom said that she would be back to visit. Dad is hoping he can get her at Faulkner in about 3 years.

I went to the house last night to watch the National Championship game. The SEC was well represented again against Ohio State. The crowd started chanting "SEC, SEC" at the end of the game and it was awesome!

I'm trying to finish registering for my master's at AUM. I think classes start tomorrow. I hate school...

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